V létě jsem dobrovolničila v B&B v Itálii a odvezla si pár receptů - na chleba, na pizzu, ale hlavně na super tiramisu od Giuseppeho. Chtěla bych se s vámi o něj podělit, protože je to mňamka!
Ingredience: 4 žloutky, cukr, 250ml mascarpone, káva, trochu koňaku, dlouhé piškoty, kakao
Příprava je velmi snadná a rychlá - žloutky našlehejte s trochou cukru podle chuti - já dávám tak dvě lžičky na jeden žloutek. Vzniklá našlehaná směs musí být tuhá, přidejte mascarpone a krém je hotový. Piškoty namočte ve směsi studené kávy s koňakem a vrstvěte na sebe. Každou vrstvu trochu posypte hořkým kakaem, které přijde i nahoru.
During last summer I volunteered in various B&B in Italy and I got some interesting recipes - for bread, pizza nad most importantly for tiramisu from Giuseppe. I want to share it with you because it is just amazing!
Ingredients: 4 egg yolks, sugar, 250ml mascarpone, coffe, a bit of cognac, lady fingers and cocoa
The preparation is really easy. Whisk egg yolks with sugar. I put 2 tea spoon for one egg yolk. The mixture has to be thick and well whisked. Then add mascarpone and the cream is ready! Quickly soak the lady fingers in cold coffe with cognac and put them in layers with cream. Each of the layers you can sprinkle with cocoa, which will be on the top as well. Enjooy!
Ingredience: 4 žloutky, cukr, 250ml mascarpone, káva, trochu koňaku, dlouhé piškoty, kakao
Příprava je velmi snadná a rychlá - žloutky našlehejte s trochou cukru podle chuti - já dávám tak dvě lžičky na jeden žloutek. Vzniklá našlehaná směs musí být tuhá, přidejte mascarpone a krém je hotový. Piškoty namočte ve směsi studené kávy s koňakem a vrstvěte na sebe. Každou vrstvu trochu posypte hořkým kakaem, které přijde i nahoru.
During last summer I volunteered in various B&B in Italy and I got some interesting recipes - for bread, pizza nad most importantly for tiramisu from Giuseppe. I want to share it with you because it is just amazing!
Ingredients: 4 egg yolks, sugar, 250ml mascarpone, coffe, a bit of cognac, lady fingers and cocoa
The preparation is really easy. Whisk egg yolks with sugar. I put 2 tea spoon for one egg yolk. The mixture has to be thick and well whisked. Then add mascarpone and the cream is ready! Quickly soak the lady fingers in cold coffe with cognac and put them in layers with cream. Each of the layers you can sprinkle with cocoa, which will be on the top as well. Enjooy!